Saturday, December 13, 2008

The last little angel of the year

This little 5 week old sweetie was a pleasure to be with as long as he had a full tummy! We took some great photos in a gown traditional for Chinese families... and he is gorgeous. And, some more traditional ones like this:

I love his "been good" hat!!

His beautiful gown...

Isn't he regal?

With his traditional necklace and bracelets for the family.

I can't believe he is only 5 weeks.

This was my favorite shot of the day for some reason. It is so peaceful and captures his little baby curves so well.

He is barely holding up his head.

So cute!

I love this one!

Just taking a little nap.

Love this photo!

He is a little prince :)

Thanks so much for letting me take pictures of little A! It was so much fun!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Saving the best for last!

I believe that this is my last Christmas card for the year... and it is beautiful! I got the first proofs back yesterday, and you just need to hold this card in your hands to appreciate it. It is printed on Pearl paper which is the thickness of card stock, but with a shimmery/shiny application. It is perfect for this card, and I am so excited to delivery these!

Here's the front spread:

The inside spread when you open the card...

On the back:

Oh- remember when I said I was done shooting for the year? Just kidding! I couldn't say no to a newborn shoot today- and I am thrilled!! Taking pictures of babies is one of my all time favorite things to do, and it is particularly special around Christmas.
Will post soon!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Some beautiful families....

As the holidays are approaching, I am winding down for the year. Here are the last two shoots for 2008!!!

This first family just stepped out of a Martha Stewart catalogue-- and their house was just beautiful!

This second family was excited to get their first family pictures since their new addition! It is always a challenge to get new babies to look straight ahead for family photographs, but we managed to get a few!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Just a few more!

These cards are so different in style and colors, but I just love them both! The first family wore the most colorful clothes for their shoot, and worked perfectly with this card!
This card has such a different feel- more antique, old school, with the beautiful pink, purple, brown and green colors. And- of course these children are just as beautiful as they come.

I just love Holiday Cards!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Few More Holiday Cards!

The holiday season is quickly approaching and I am working as fast as I can! Thanks to everyone for all of your patience! Here are a couple of peaks into some more Christmas cards that were so fun to create. These families are just too perfect for words :)

What a fun and colorful family!

Last Friday, I met this very adorable family. I don't think I've ever met such well behaved kids in my life. They were perma grin the whole time!! Here are some sneak peaks of our session!

Even the dogs were perfect!

This is one of the few shots were I was able to get her personality out!

My favorite shot of the day. I love all of the colors that they wore, and this is just about the most perfect shot of everyone.

I loved how adventurous they were! The parents were totally on board to take a shot on this play structure!!!

Thanks for a great afternoon!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blue, Brown and Everything Beautiful

This is one of my favorite repeating families! We spent a morning taking some shots for their Christmas card, and I love all of them. Here's a couple of my favorites:

Monday, November 24, 2008

What a great afternoon!

This family was so easy to shoot... probably because they were so relaxed and probably because they were so beautiful! I loved the colors that they were wearing and especially loved their backyard and secret door to a fabulous old farmhouse and gardens. It made my job 100% times easier! Here are some sneak peeks:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Excited for Holiday Cards!

The holiday cards are trickling in... and I am so excited! They look fabulous!!